Showing Tag: "tai chi walking" (Show all posts)

avoiding falls and broken wrists

Posted by Fiona Anderson. on Friday, November 29, 2013,
Everywhere I've been this week, I've seen people with broken wrists from falls. Undoubtedly due to lots of wet leaves and such, but there are things you can do to help yourself - both prevention of falls and mitigation of the effects of falling:

First off, do plenty of tai chi walking - this will not only help you improve your awareness of where your weight is, but will also help you walk around with slightly bent knees as your default in everyday life. Straight locked knees are just asking fo...
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Posture when you're moving around

Posted by Fiona Anderson. on Monday, September 30, 2013,
It's easy enough to get into investigating and improving your posture while you're static, but moving around is when it becomes critical. To address this, your instructor will show you "tai chi walking". This looks totally strange, but it really sorts out your posture, your balance, your awareness of where your weight is, your awareness of how you move and how to improve how  you move.

You absolutely need an instructor for this. Most people are very unaware of how they move and how they walk -...
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